Leaders & Friends - Have you answered these questions?

Leaders and friends who have been pushing through, getting up early and still at it long after dark, I have a few questions for you (and for me).

How are you going to rest this weekend?

As I write these words, it’s Friday afternoon and I’m wrapping up a 19-day run of work. Sure, I slowed a little on the last few Saturdays and Sundays, but still hammered out hours at the computer and on Zoom. Worth it? YES. Sustainable? No.

The world feels as through it has simultaneously sped up and slowed down. It feels as though, all at once, everything changed. On one hand, everything skidded to a screeching halt, and, on the other hand, the work of doing and arranging and figuring things out kicked into high gear.

These days truly are unprecedented. 

Sometimes there’s an underlying sadness, other times a stillness. I tend toward busyness, achievement - toward being productive. Yet, the simple truth is: stillness is productive.

When I stop to explore the outside with a little hand in mine, my heart knows it’s good. When time stands still for a heart-to-hear with a friend, I know it’s good.

So, dear friend - who is fighting for joy through crisis - I ask you again: How are you going to rest this weekend?

Sleep? Yes. That’s part of it, but not the only part. If you are short on sleep, by all means, please start there. With two young kids at home who wake up before 7:00am on Saturdays, David and I often do what we call “sleeping in on there font end!” In other words, we go to bed super early when we need extra sleep.

But, sleep isn’t all you need.

Rest includes things that rejuvenate our souls. A conversation with a friend. Sitting in the quiet. Painting. Walking. Reading something that’s uplifting (I qualify what you should read because I’m known to read things that result in work. Judge carefully if the book you reach for will cultivate rest or cause you to add to your to-do list.)

Whatever it is for you, create space for it within the next 48 hours. 

Rest is intentional because - let’s be real - it will not happen on its own. There are screens to scroll, grocery lists to make, people to tend to, responsibilities to navigate.

Year’s ago, in a season of high stress, I said to God through prayer and out of desperation, “ I need an INTERMISSION!” A break - a pause - in the daily crazy to reset. I quickly learned others did too and it turned into a regular gathering of women who stopped to connect and center on Christ.

Here are some important questions for your weekend:

  1. When are you going to rest?

  2. What are you going to do to refresh your soul?

  3. When are you turning off the screens?

Can I challenge you with something? Take 10 minutes and answer these questions. Write down your thoughts. Then, share it with someone. If you share a home with others, have this discussion at dinner and determine how you can support each other in making rest happen this weekend. If you are on your own, reach out to another friend who could use some rest and encourage each other to take these steps.

A few years ago, I wrote a book and included two online bonus chapters. I want you to have them for free right now. Whether you’ve purchased my book or not, I want you to have access. One is on the topic of Rest (timely, huh?) and you’ll get a look into some real-life application and perspective from my own journey that just might encourage you in yours. The other is on how to pray scripture. If you want to pray but don’t know how right now, or if you need some new life breathed into your prayer life, this is for you. Here you go.

My one ask is that if something resonates with you from one of these resources, would you let me know? Comment below, find me on social media, and send me a message, or however you want to do it. I just know we are better together and I’d love to hear from you.


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